RNA - Genetherapys

The 2024 Nobel Prize awarded to microRNA researchers

National Center President, Prof Rosario Rizzuto, offers a standing ovation to Prof Victor Ambros and Prof Gary Ruvkun for their work on the revolutionary concert highlighting microRNA as the conductor within the orchestra of all human cells.

On behalf of all our researchers, we applaud the Nobel Prize committee for awarding the 2024 Nobel Prize laureates in medicine to fellow researchers dedicated to bringing gene therapy and RNA-based treatments to fruition thanks to their discovery of microRNA and its role in post-transcriptional gene regulation. Their discovery gives hope to those suffering from various rare and often incurable diseases, and, in some way, was a catalyst for the proposal behind the creation of the National Center a little over two years ago.

Recognition may come in many forms but the awarding of the Nobel Prize stands as the pinnacle of scientific acknowledgement. The significance behind the Nobel Prize announcement inspires us to continue with even greater determination in demonstrating how biomolecular technologies are the only possible way to ensure sustainable treatments and precision therapies in the future of healthcare.

We consider this an encore from last year’s Nobel Prize in medicine to Katalin Karikò and Drew Weissman whose findings of nucleoside base modifications led to the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. These remarkable findings exemplify that Italy must continually collaborate and participate in carrying out studies that are of a completely new field of research. By providing a network for researchers across Italy, scientific findings promote innovation capable of providing gene therapy and drugs based on RNA technology effectively, efficiently, safely, and quickly.

Scientist performing genetic research with DNA sequencing gel in the background.

Extraordinary progress in recent years has allowed biomolecular technologies to stand as the ideal tools needed to develop new approaches in correcting defective genes, inserting therapeutic genes, and delivering DNA/RNA drugs to the tissues involved. Understanding the complex molecular bases of diseases means discovering new targets will pave the way for new therapeutic perspectives.  We cannot watch from the balcony or sit in the audience, Italy must continue to practice a participatory role in this revolutionary concert.

Foundation editorial staff Ellen Jane Corcoran

Press release:

RaiNews: Padova, la scoperta del microRNA e i nuovi scenari per la cura di diverse malattie – Intervista prof. Rizzuto

Quotidiano Sanità: https://www.quotidianosanita.it/cronache/articolo.php?approfondimento_id=19587

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