RNA - Genetherapys

More Inclusive and Sustainable Medicine

The President of the National Center for Gene Therapy and Drugs based on RNA Technology, Prof Rizzuto welcomed as the keynote speaker on 11 May 2024 at the University of Padua’s Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Inclusive Pharma Event.

On its way to becoming more inclusive and sustainable, pharmaceuticals must arrive to the public based on knowledge, not marketing. Such a level of comprehension means understanding the correct use of prescriptions and having access to them regardless of geographical location or financial means. Medical shortages continue to become problematic as the cost and time it takes to bring pharmaceuticals to the marketplace can range into millions of euros for a single drug that takes 10 or more years to develop. Beyond this, basic research may not even enter into the laboratory setting if investigated diseases are too rare to gain interest, which leads to ethical issues.

Prof Rizzuto explains how the National Center focuses on ensuring that medicine will become increasingly more inclusive and sustainable.

“Thanks to progress in the molecular understanding of disease and research focused on gene and RNA-based therapies, modern medicine will soon hold the tools to offer personalized medicines to all without exposing a healthcare system to unsustainable costs.  With funding from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MUR) through the NRRP (National Relief and Recovery Plan), the National Center, which I preside over as President, coordinates the work of 46 partners. With public and private institutions and companies working together from across Italy, the National Center unites ten specific research themes (“Spokes”), of which five focus on human diseases and the remaining five focus on the transversal innovation of technologies capable of producing drugs on an industrial scale. The National Center also promotes the creation of cutting-edge infrastructures while launching lifelong learning and high-tech entrepreneurial initiatives.”

Beyond ‘nature vs nurture’ argument, where good health starts with our genetic predisposition and ends with proper dietary, mental, and physical well-being, the Inclusive Pharma event aims to increase public engagement and awareness.  The National Center remains dedicated to broadening the public’s understanding of the world of medicine, therapies, and the research behind the development of treatments.


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The Foundation’s editorial staff

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