About us

Standing on the brink of a technological revolution in medicine, the National Center for Gene Therapy and Drugs based on RNA Technology unites 46 organizations from universities, public bodies, and private companies towards the same goal: bringing results to the marketplace with pharmaceutical products.

Structured along a Hub and Spoke dissemination model, the National Center Foundation – Gene Therapy and Drugs based on RNA Technology acts as the central Hub that facilitates the interconnection between 10 Spokes. As the single point of contact, the Hub manages and coordinates 36-month research program activities, while the Spokes focus on translating research results into the development and manufacturing of personalized medicines.

The European Union National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP Mission 4 – Education and Research) primarily funds the National Center with an allocated investment of €320,036,606.03 towards developing Key Enabling Technologies related to RNA-based therapeutics.